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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Difficult Times
8:00 AM
Here is a card that I recently made for my friend Rosa's family.
Rosa passed away just over a week ago in a horrible car crash over the Labor Day weekend.
Rosa loved life! Rosa lived her life to the fullest EVERY day!
Rosa was always smiling and made me laugh.
Rosa loved pink.
Three days before she died she tagged me to a butterfly card on Facebook
and asked if we could make that card.
Well I didn't have those stamps ... but sure ... we could make a butterfly card Rosa.
Sadly ... before we could do that ... she passed.
But I made this card with pink butterflies for her family ... in honor of her.
I loved this sentiment from Charming Gardeners (now retired) as that fit her perfectly.
"Let us be grateful to those that make us happy, they are the charming gardeners to our soul"
Rosa was and always will be my Charming Gardener.
Here is another take on that card using current stamps and Mermaid butterflies.
At Rosa's funeral we had a fabulous balloon launch of balloons ... 100s of them
with lots of people there to honor her.
Miss you mi amiga!!!!
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Chelsea, so very sorry for your loss. It's a wonderful card and tribute to her.